My brother was a professional baseball player…he played for the NY Giants. Yep, a long, long time ago. His salary was $18,000. The salaries of today’s players is in simple terms OUTRAGEOUS!!!


What I find mind boggling is that within 5 hours of his suspension being announced he was back in the Yankees lineup. Rodriguez was suspended for his use and possession of numerous forms of prohibited performance-enhancing substances, including testosterone and human growth hormone over the course of multiple years…but he’s back in his pin stripes.


Rodriguez is not the only player suspended this week but he is the only player out of the 12 connected to the Biogenesis suspensions named on Monday that has all not accepted the terms of their suspensions.


MLB …America’s favorite past time is decades behind so many other sports that have worked to eliminate doping from within their sport. In January we saw Lance Armstrong fall from grace when it was finally proven that he had been doping for years. In 2007 Marion Jones admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs and served time in prison for making false statements. Marion Jones went to prison but Alex Rodriguez is back on the playing field and rather then earn $30 million he may just be cut down to $24.


Alex Rodriguez has the MLB Players Union and is using the collective bargaining system in a calculated effort to negotiate a better deal.


Hey Alex…if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and sounds like a duck I guess it’s a DUCK!.


Alex it’s time to face the music come clean and become a role model to all the kids that have looked up to you.


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